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March 21, 2012
Regular Meeting
March 21, 2012
The meeting opened at 8:00 PM.  Present were: Chairman Rick McCowan, Mark Canfield, Tom Daly, Jerry Gannelli, and John Mirick.

Request Acceptance of Isaac’s Way/The Knoll as a Public Way for Town Meeting Article
Doug Andrysick reported that the road has been completed and they would like to have the road accepted by the town.  Rick questioned why the town would want to accept a road without houses on it.  Doug said developer Clayton Mosher could sell a house at any time and would like to have the road accepted by the town.  The board is concerned about the town’s responsibility to monitor activity on the road. The developer is responsible for the road until the town accepts it.

Doug would like a review of “as built” plans. John moved to request a review of the “as built” plans by Jim Shuris and to submit a report to be paid by the Clayton Mosher account. Mark seconded. All in favor (5-0).
Mark moved to pass on recommending that this road be accepted by the town at this time. John seconded.  (4-0) Jerry abstained.
Jerry informed the board that he and Doug Andrysick entered into an unrelated business arrangement and that is the reason he abstained from voting.

Extension of the Knoll Subdivision Completion Date:
John noted that technically the date for completion has expired and needs to be extended.  John moved to extend the time for completion of the subdivision permit to January 1, 2013. Jerry seconded. All in favor (5-0).

Verizon Site Plan Review
Rick read the notice published in March 1 & March 8, 2012 editions of Landmark as a courtesy to the abutters. A letter was also mail to the abutters. None were present.
Don Ambrosio, representing Verizon reported that they are looking to replace the emergency generator at their central office building on 13 Boylston Ave with a larger generator. At an informal meeting with the board on January 18, 2012, a recommendation was made to move the unit to the back of property and it actually works out better and can’t be seen from the street. Mr. Ambrosio said they decided to install a wood cedar fence around it to break it up a bit and be a good neighbor.
The generator It is quieter than the existing one and conforms to Mass DEP sound requirements.  572 gallons of diesel fuel will be contained in a double wall tank with safety alarms. No trees will be removed for this change.
Mark moved to accept the changes as proposed. Jerry seconded.  All in favor (5-0).  The decision will be recorded with the Registry of Deeds and verification it has been done must be provided.

Worcester Rd Project Advisory Committee Update
Jerry reported the next step is a follow up meeting with CMRPC and residents scheduled for April 11. The goal is to try to reach a consensus utilizing information gathered at the workshop.  Phyllis will advertise in Landmark.

Administrative Business
Meeting Minutes
February 15 Regular Meeting –Mark moved to approve, Tom seconded. All in favor (5-0).

Other Business
The board will review themes of the EPVD forum at the next meeting.  

Conservation is looking into the land clearing Gregory Hill Rd. There was discussion on the Rural Preservation Overlay District bylaw not being followed.  
Jerry asked about watershed mountain district on the map. Rick said it is part of Wachusett Watershed district and is on the listed for future discussion.

The public hearing for proposed Zoning Bylaw changes will be held on April 18.  John Wilson will be asked to attend.

Jerry attended the spring conference on zoning reform. It was sponsored by Legislators to speed growth.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 PM.  All were in favor.

Respectfully Submitted

Brenda Savoie
Administrative Assistant